Mom and Dad

My parents first met in my maternal grandparents’ house in Bacolod City. My Dad was visiting my mom’s sister whom he was working with on a theater production. Mom had just gotten home and was fuming mad because someone had parked his old banged-up Volkswagen Beetle in the middle of the driveway preventing her from parking inside the garage.

When she entered the living room, she finally saw the culprit who was blocking the driveway; a long-haired hippie slouched on a chair with his bare feet resting on top of the coffee table. Mother was not impressed. My Dad, however, has always said that at that very moment, he knew deep in his heart that, “…this is the woman I am going to marry.”

The first time I heard this story, I asked my mom if she said the same thing to herself upon meeting Dad. She replied, “Not on your life!”

And this, children, is what fairy tales are made of.

Happy 51st Anniversary, Mom and Dad!

Mom and DadMom and dad 2

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